Yoga Mat Maintenance Tips To Enhance Their Durability and Long Life

Yoga mats are an essential work out accessory that helps the users to stay balanced and maintain their stability. However, proper maintenance of the mats is necessary for enhancing their life and also preventing them from becoming the breeding grounds of different types of bacteria. Listed below are some effective maintenance tips for regular  7 mm yoga mats.

7 mm yoga


  1. When not in use, store the yoga mat in a proper casing that is often supplied with the mat or can even be purchased separately online.
  2. Make sure that the 7 mm yoga mat is not left lying around after the workout as the seat absorbed by the mat makes it prone to catch dust and dirt easily.
  3. Do not store the yoga mats in hot and humid spaces as it can lead to the growth of fungus in the sweaty patches.
  4. Follow a regular cleaning routine with the 7 mm yoga mats to keep them fresh and healthy.



Yoga is important for your health and you need to do at least 30 mins to stay energetic, healthy and fit. You can join any yoga centre to learn the steps of doing yoga. Having a yoga mat with you will make it easy for you to practice the steps of Yoga. Invest in high quality mat and buy it from one of the trusted manufacturers of this product. You can search online and compare the price and quality of mats manufactured by different companies.

All About 5MM Yoga Mats in India

Yogasana is practised in India right from the ancient times. These asanas cannot be done on a floor directly. For this purpose, 5MM Yoga Mats in India are used. These mats prevent as well as decrease injuries that might be caused when you are practising in a slippery surface. It acts as a barrier between the floor and the person doing yoga. These yoga mats are not only safe but also durable, comfortable and environmental friendly. These mats not only improve your balance and coordination but also give stability and traction.

5MM Yoga Mats

5MM Yoga Mats in India come in different colours and sizes with the standard size being 24” x 68“. When you are looking for a perfect yoga mats, it is ideal to take into account the following factors:

  • Size/Shape: Though standard size yoga mats that are rectangular in shape are available, it is ideal to go for extra-long mats which is ideal for those who are extra weight or very tall.

  • Thickness: The main purpose of the yoga mats is to provide you with non-slip surface as well as act as a cushion to your knees, hips and other parts that are closer to the floor. Normal yoga mats available in the stores are of 1/8” thick or slightly more. However, you should go for premium mats like 5MM Yoga Mats in India.

  • Composition: These mats come in different materials. But it is always advisable to use eco-friendly material. Now-a-days, these mats are also available in cotton.

  • Aesthetics: It is ideal to go for pleasant coloured yoga mats so that it will make you to feel good.

5 mm
5MM Yoga Mats

Thus, a 5MM Yoga Mats in India will be inclusive of all the above factors and no doubt it is ideal for you.

How to Buy the Right Yoga Accessories

We all know it is hard to perform some of the yoga poses, as they require more balance, flexibility, and comfort. A single mat meant for yoga does not fulfill these needs. Here you need to use the accessories that can support you in performing any pose of your wish.

Yoga Accessories
Yoga Accessories

Yoga accessories come handy for you. With the right accessory, it becomes easier for you to perform the pose of high intensity without any interruption. The main concern is that you need to buy the right one and the availability of so many options makes you confused. Here are some steps to help you in buying the best and right one for you:

Know Your Need

You know the virtual, as well as the physical market, is flooded with many accessories for yoga practices and all of them are different in terms of quality and purpose. At first, you need to know your exact requirements. For this, you can recall the poses you do or make a list of yoga asanas you want to do.

yoga pose

Thereafter, find out the requirements for doing those postures. For example, you need to buy Yoga Belt if you have decided to do hand stretching workouts.

Be Familiar with the Available Options

Sometimes it happens that it is hard for you to find out the products of your need in a local store or an e-store. Therefore, it is essential for you to know what is available and be acquainted with them. I mean you should inquire about the material used in production, lifespan, and features that the Yoga Accessories can offer you. Some of the available options are as follows:

· Yoga Belts

Yoga Belts
Yoga Belts

· Bolster Meditation Cushion

Bolster Meditation Cushion
Bolster Meditation Cushion

· Zafu Meditation Cushion

Zafu Meditation Cushion
Zafu Meditation Cushion

Do Comparison

After knowing your need and being familiar with the available options, you need to make a comparison. Do not forget to keep the price tag in mind during the comparison. If possible, visit more than one store in your local market or on the Internet. The comparison will help you to find the best one.

Fitness Mats Delhi-How to prevent injuries at the gym?

Gyms are common places where people often get injured. Use of improper workout gears, faulty workout forms, etc., are a few reasons for the incidences of injuries. But, if one stays alert and keep certain things in mind, he can prevent injuries at the gym.

Fitness Mats Delhi
Fitness Mats Delhi

Here is how one can prevent injuries at the gym:

Workout under the guidance of a trainer

You must workout only under the guidance of trainers or an experienced coach. Trainers know the proper forms and the exercises that are best for you. They keep all the safety measures in mind while training a person. You must make it a point to work out only in the presence of a trainer.

Warm-up before workout

Many gym goers hate the idea of warm-up before working out. The warm-up is quite necessary. Warm-up prepares the muscles for strenuous workout sessions. It raises the temperature of the body and improves the blood flow to the muscles. Hence, it is quite important.

Fitness Mats Delhi
Fitness Mats Delhi

Use exercise mats

Generally, every gym uses mat flooring covering the entire area of the gym. The Fitness Mats Delhi offer a comfortable surface to the gym goers. The mats are made of EVA foam or rubber. They provide a soft surface to the feet. Also, the Fitness Mats Delhi features an anti-slipping surface texture. Hence, the mats prevent slipping and sliding and so, the injuries.

Wear good workout attire

Your workout attire should be prim and perfect. Wear apt training shoes while working out or you will subject your feet to injury. Also, wear comfortable t-shirts and stretchable tights to the gym. While working out, your focus should always on the exercises and not on your lower that does not allow you to flex your legs.

Proper gym gear ensures proper form, gait, and stance.

Give yourself some time to recover

You must understand that your muscles to need some time to take rest and recover. If you do not allow them to recover, you will subject yourself to injuries.

Why You Should Choose A Reputed Yoga Mat Supplier?

Yoga is today amongst the most popular means of improving physical and mental health. Millions of people practice yoga every day to maintain their health, and to lose stress that occurs due to modern lifestyle related chores, jobs, and habits. There are consequently thousands of yoga mats manufacturers and suppliers that you can find around you, as there is a huge demand. But it is very important to choose a reputed and leading Yoga Mats Supplier in Delhi only when you buy yoga mats for yourself or your yoga center. Here is why.

Yoga Mats Supplier in Delhi-Clonko

Quality assured

A reputed yoga mats manufacturer has both national and international clients. People from across the world come to them because of online availability, and because of quality of mats offered. You can rest assured that the mats you are purchasing possess good quality and will last longer.

Mats manufacturer in accordance to the requisite specifications

Yoga mats need to have a proper thickness, which may range in between 25 to 35 mm. They should be anti-skid and should be light-weight as well. The best yoga mats suppliers bring you the antimicrobial and anti-skid mats that can be easily disinfected.

Use of quality materials for ensuring safety

A popular Yoga Mats Supplier in Delhi can only provide you yoga mats having EVA foam and high quality Japanese synthetic rubber in their built. The materials provide ideal cushioning and prevent injuries as well.

Go through the website of the yoga mat supplier or manufacturer carefully and read out all the specifications of yoga mats being sold at it. You can also compare the product line-up of different suppliers to find out which mats excel and suit your wishes. Only a reliable and popular supplier, which has clients based across India and the world can provide you the best quality, safe and hygienic yoga mats that last long.


Yoga Mats wholesaler

Which Kind Of Yoga Mats Are Best For You?

The yoga teachings, practices, and asanas are being adopted worldwide (especially in the West), though the practice originated in ancient India. Modern life, especially in the urban population centers, is full of anxiety, stress, and the threat of many different kinds of diseases. Yoga can prevent diseases, and can also be used towards the management of a disease. It is also a way to get relief from stress and anxiety. All you need is a yoga mat (offered by a leading yoga mat wholesaler online itself) and you are ready to go. Yoga provides for:

Better physical health

Improved mental state

Spiritual Uplift

Which yoga mat should you choose

You have two options when you want to buy a yoga mat. These include the Cotton Yoga Mats and the Rubber Yoga Mats. While the cotton mats may seem to be more comfortable and handy initially, it is the rubber yoga mats that offer many more features to you, and are highly useful in the long run.

red-1_copyYoga MatsYoga Mats Wholesaleryoga mats online

Easy Care and Washing

The rubber yoga mats do not get unclean and dirty easily. They can be also washed easily, and as they are highly durable, you do not need to do anything for their maintenance.


While the cotton mats can be damaged by many different environmental and man-made agents, the rubber yoga mats offer much more resistance to the harmful agents. Made of high-quality EVA foam, quality rubber, and other materials, these mats are able to serve their purpose for a long time period.


Both you rubber and cotton yoga Mats are now available in various sizes. You can buy them for yourself, and even for a whole room where you wish to run a yoga class. There are also interlocking varies available.


The rubber yoga mats have the requisite thickness of 25 to 35 mm, which is a prerequisite for practicing yoga without suffering from any injury and impact on any of the body parts (including feet, ankles, hands, and others). Leading yoga mats wholesalers bring you these colorful mats, which are specifically designed, created, and manufactured for practicing yoga.


While some cotton yoga mats may cost less than the rubber mats, they may require a replacement sooner than you anticipate. If you want long-term value for money, go for the rubber yoga mats.

Yoga mats are essential to practice yoga in a safe and comfortable way. They also help you practice yoga for longer time intervals. Choose a good mat and get the immense benefits of yoga trough regular practicing.

yoga mats online

How To Choose A Good Yoga Mat

The ancient practice of yoga has immense benefits for health. Yoga comprises of mental, physical, as well as spiritual practices. You can start practicing yoga itself and you do not need any large space, or lots of equipment for it. A good Yoga mat is enough for you to get benefited from the yoga asanas, meditation, and practices.

As the yoga mat will be your long-term partner in your quest of mental, physical, and spiritual excellence, you need to make a wise decision while buying one. Here are some tips that will help you choose a good yoga mat.

Look for a mat online

You can find a variety of yoga mats online itself. These are today provide and sold in many different shapes, sizes and colours. Online shopping is more affordable as well. You can get the same yoga mat online at a discounted rate, and will also save on time and fuel expenses, when you shop online.

yoga mats online
Yoga mats online

Important features to check

Some of the important aspects and features that you should look in your yoga mat include:

It must have a non-slippery surface for you to practise yoga. A slippery surface is uncomfortable and may even be a cause of accidents.

The mat should be light in weight. You should be able to carry it wherever you go. This will help you carry out your yoga sessions anywhere, including your office or a vacation spot.

Yoga mats are today available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Browse through the offerings carefully and select a mat in lieu of your shape and/or size considerations.

The mat should be easy to wash. Mats made of natural materials can be washed easily.

Yoga mats make your yoga sessions comfortable and convenient, and you can use them to practise yoga for longer time intervals. Make a proper choice after spending some time and efforts.

Attain your fitness goal with the use of Yoga Mats and Belts

It is known to all that we perform yoga poses to attain physical, mental and spiritual health. With proper guidance and perform, the practice of yoga helps you build body and get cured of several diseases. It is its effectiveness that has made it popular all across the world. Its effectiveness is encouraging people to start practicing yoga poses.


You know there are some requirements that you should fulfill before starting your yoga practice. Keep in mind that the right use of Yoga Mats & Belt can help you to obtain your fitness goal. It is as these products help you to have comfort and concentration while performing particular yoga asanas. The pad with non-sloppy surface helps you to have better grip on the floor and keeps you protected from slipping down that could cause physical injuries. Its right thickness provides you enough cushion to your feet and other body parts so that you can keep your practice going on without any hindrance.

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Talking about Yoga Belts, these help you to have better flexibility and balance while performing your poses. Hold the both strap ends in your hands to have proper balance in your hands while stretching them out. The use of the straps in the legs provides enough balance and makes it easy for your legs to stretch out as per the need. So, purchase these yoga products and accessories so that you can attain your fitness goal easily and properly.


Performing Sun Salutation Gets Easier and Safer with Sun Salutation Yoga Mats

Are you looking for a single mantra to stay fit? If yes, you should start performing Sun Salutation in my opinion. Known as Surya Namaskar in Hindi, Sun Salutation is a set of twelve powerful yoga asanas (poses). Performing all these poses regularly is a great way to keep your body in shape & healthy and mind calm.

As a beginner, you can find it hard to perform all the poses of Sun Salutation, as some of its poses are hard. You can ask what to do now. Keep in mind that you have two options – hiring a trainer or doing it yourself – to perform this yoga with its all poses. It is tough for some of you to hire a fitness trainer and hence, you need to do it yourself. You know you can perform all the poses with the help of Sun Salutation Yoga Mats. I am saying this as I have experienced it that performing its poses gets easier with the use of such a mat. You know it happens as the pads depict all the poses in pictorial forms that work as a guide for a beginner. It means you can easily do all the poses by following the pictures printed on the surface of the pad.


As some of the poses are of high intensity and require frequent body movements, so you need to keep the safety in mind. You know the risks like fall down and physical injuries are associated with the practice of Sun Salutation poses. These risks get higher with sloppy surface. The use of the Sun Salutation Yoga Mats reduces these risks as they have non-slippery surface and offer you optimum grip on the floor. This leads you stay concentrated and practice your poses without any interruption.

Buy the Best Yoga Mat Online

To make your yoga practice easier, balance and comfortable mats manufacturers have manufactured a unique product that can easily get fit to match all your yoga practice need. These mats can provide you a platform where you can perform with more stability and ease. The soft and cushioned surface makes your long-standing and sitting possible without any pain and irritation. The use of these mats makes your practice more enjoyable and also the stretching and proper posing becomes very easy as the gripe mats give you a proper support.


As the demand for these mats is increasing each day the mats manufacturers have raised one more step towards the convenience of their valuable customers. Now you don’t need to travel to reach the marketplace and then pick all different products to check them. It makes you tired and you also get confused witch one to buy and which one not to buy. You can bring one to your home which the supplier has told you that is is good for you. You want to check all the specifications, the material used in manufacturing your mat and also the color and print options in the same variant. Now you can purchase your favorite Yoga Mats Online. Gravolite is one of the best yoga mats manufacturers and they have introduced their product online with the help of Clonko. At Clonko, you will find a wide range of yoga mats will full specifications and high-quality image of the yoga mats. You can check out the various color option to go for your favorite one. Getting your favorite mat delivered to your doorstep gives a very cool feeling.

So a long wait is over, no more saying that I will start yoga practice from tomorrow. Order your Yoga Mat Online now and start practicing safely and happily. These mats will really change your old messy and uncomfortable style of yoga practice.